Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Thing #10: Wikis - Exciting!

I've looked at Wikipedia before, so the concept of wikis isn't new. But after editing the Messed-up Classics and looking at the resource links, I think this is the most useful tool so far.

We're currently updating our Resource Guides in my corporate library. We write them in Word and then link the documents to our website but constantly struggle with keeping them current. After I looked at The Ohio State University Biz Wiki http://www.library.ohiou.edu/subjects/bizwiki/index.php/Main_Page I'm convinced that this is the way to go. Initially I was thinking we should only let library staff add entries, so I realize if we let everyone add to the wiki we'll probably learn about new resources that our employees use. Plus--we'll have time for higher level questions if our users are finding answers to the easy ones by using the Wiki.

If anyone has hands-on experience with using a Wiki subject guide , I'd love to hear from you.

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