Sunday, March 9, 2008

Thing #13: Productivity Tools

I struggled with this Thing--lots of details and ideas, but nothing I could grab on to and use. Lots of clutter on some of these websites (Remember the Milk is a prime example).

I had set up a custom startpage on iGoogle previously, so I did not do this again. I just upgraded to Internet Explorer version 7 a couple of weeks ago and noticed today (after doing this Thing), that my custom startpage is gone. Funny, I didn't miss it.

I don't think I'd use the online calendars, as my company and work group run on Outlook.

It'd be nice to find a to-do list that helped. I've used the Tasks on Outlook, but don't find them useful. I've resorted to a handwritten daily to-do list or a yellow sticky on my PC monitor for urgent items. I guess I still like paper and pencil for a lot of things.

I'll be interested in reading the other blogs on this topic, as my 23 Things colleagues may help me find the jewels among these productivity tools.

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